Thursday, November 5, 2009

Cincinnati Trip - Part 1

Tom's golf club was closed for a week, so we decided to make a trip to Cincinnati to show off Lila. Lila was great on the plane (which I was very nervous about)! Since we have been here, we are enjoying great company and the cold weather.
It's finally cold enough for her to wear her cute bear coat from Aunt Laura.
Nap time with Cobbie
It's nice to walk when it's not a 100 degrees out.

Playing games with Nana
Meeting Monica

On the way home form the airport we stopped at Cincinnati's famous Skyline Chili for lunch.
She was great on the plane, she was asleep most of the way.
Enjoying the view!


  1. She looks so cute in her coat. Did you bring a ton of clothes for her?

  2. Awww...I love her little sleepy face with Cobbie. I finished crocheting her hat last night...hopefully it will fit her head!
